The Best Multi-Purpose Cat Repellents

The Best Multi-Purpose Cat Repellents

If you want to keep your naughty cat away from dangerous plants or simply don’t like the sight of feral animals in your back yard, these multi-purpose cat repellents will easily do the work for you.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Multi-Purpose Cat Repellent pick!

Pest Soldier Sentinel Outdoor Pest Ultrasonic Repeller

Check out the top 3 cat repellents to safeguard your house.

1.     Pest Soldier Sentinel Outdoor Pest Ultrasonic Repeller

A sharp repellent that immediately sends off ultrasonic sound waves whenever it catches a creature in its area – the Pest Soldier is here to save your garden. Whether it’s a sneaky cat, or a slithering snake, Pest Soldier will catch all the bad guys and send them miles away from your backyard.

Each unit of this ultrasonic repeller gives a coverage for 5000 sq. feet, while working on standard batteries. Place the device specifically where you don’t want cats, such as a fence, an exterior wall, or a shed in the backyard.

There are different frequency dials for different animals so you can set it up for cats or if you wish to deter all animals, you may do that too. While most of the sounds are too high for humans to hear, Pest soldier guarantees to scare away all the wild cats trying to get in your garden or backyard.

Whether it’s an annoying pigeon that’sruining your fences, or a stubborn catthat has secretly built a home in your garden, this repellent will instantly shoo them away.

2.     Best Smell Deterrent: Flagline Enviro Pro Scram for Cats

A unique animal repellent, Flagline Enviro Pro Scram for Cats that works by expelling aminty smell to keep the cats away. While you may like the scent, cats detest it.You should ideally sprinkle its granules inside wood chips, around your house or in the soil because that’s where cats are most likely to sneak in.

It is safe for indoor use if you can handle the potent smell. Otherwise, Scram for Cats is a good option to deter cats from nesting in shrubs and trees around your house. In case of heavy rain or snow, replace the granules as they might lose their potency because of weather damage.

These granular repellents are absolutely safe for animals and require minimum effort on your part. Just shake a few and wait for the repellent to work its magic.

With only a few applications, you can secure your home against wild cats.

3.     Sentry Stop That! For Cats

Reviewed as the most active repellent by customers, Sentry Stop That! is a quirky name for a cat repellent that is specifically meant to train your unruly cat. This is a repelling spray that will immediately catch your cat in bad behavior and decently punish with a noise to scare it away.

It will also release a natural pheromone to quite down the bad behavior of a cat. Whether it’s ruining the dinner table or scratching your new couch, you can instantly get your cat to listen to you through this super-effective cat repellent.

So spare yourself of harmful pest controls and toilsome hours of fixing a scarecrow, and invest in these fantastic cat repellents.

A Few Extra Tips on Keeping Cats Away from Your Yard

  1. Cats seriously dislike the smell of strong citrus scents. An effective way to ward off cats is to throw peels directly into your yard or garden.
  2. It’s possible that a cat has marked his territory in your yard, if this is the case, try washing the area with a hose to remove the scent of cat urine. You may also notice that the cat will keep choosing the same spot to mark his territory. Consistently washing away that area will prevent re-occurrences
  3. Another effective method is planting some rue, lavender and pennyroyal throughout your garden. Cats really dislike the smell and even as an extra added bonus plating these things will also keep away other pests too. You may also try best mosquito repellents spray; its smell might put off your cat.
  4. If you find yourself consistently having issues, an electric wire fence may do the trick. Just because you are using an electric fence does not mean you are endangering the cat in any way, there is even a recommended fence called Mr. McGregor Fence which is completely safe.


Frequently Asked Questions


Do electronic cat repellents really work?

If you are being bothered by cats wrecking your lawn or dirtying your front porch, then you can try out an electronic cat repellent. It has been seen that they are indeed effective in bringing down the chances of a cat visiting your garden by more than almost 35%, and it also reduces the amount of time that has been spent by the cat in the garden. So, if you want, you can definitely try out one.

Can the sound from cat repellents harm me?

Cat repellents work by creating a high-pitched ultrasonic sound that can be heard only by cats, dogs, and some other rodents. It causes disturbance in their hearing, and hence they stay away from such sources. Though technically humans cannot hear this high-pitched sound, it might have some underlying effects and change hearing thresholds in some people. However, it is highly subjective.

Will cat repellents harm cats and other animals?

No. The repellents are devised in a way to emit high-frequency sounds and not in any way physically harm the animals. They just create a little bit of auditory disturbance so that the cats stay away. However, it might so happen that they might get used to the sound and wander into your yard, even with a cat repellent on.

The Best No-See-Um Repellents for the Ultimate Mosquito Fix

The Best No-See-Um Repellents for the Ultimate Mosquito Fix

Nobody can resist the urge to scratch an itchy spot. As much as we shouldn’t, we just don’t know how to stop. Although, scratching can subside the itchiness for a little time, it’s important to treat irritated skin with a topical solution to kill the itch completely.

In a hurry? Here’s our top No-See-Um Repellent for Mosquitoes

Avon Skin Soft Bug Guard

It is a super-popular Avon Skin Soft Bug Guard which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

While mosquito bites are common and can be treated with over-the-counter insect repellents, biting midges or no-see-ums can be extremely painful. You can never risk being exposed to them and should always wear a repellent to stave off those filthy insects.

A single bite can lead to a red, swollen splotch on your skin and can even grow into welts becoming awfully itchy to treat. No-see-ums are quite agile and tinier than mosquitoes. Here are some effective repellents for a comfortable sleep without the annoying buzz of midges.


Infused with the moisturizing goodness of vitamin E, Avon soft bug repellent effectively does away with no-see-ums, mosquitos, sand flies, and biting midges.

Not only is it DEET and PABA free, the repellent is fortified with non-greasy SPF 30 protection. With an aloe extract, the repellent works to soothe down itchy, red bumps while smelling pleasant.

2.     Repel 100 Insect Repellent

Repel 100 has been the no.1 best selling insect repellent and the most popular on Amazon. With a mind-blowing DEET concentration of up to 98%, this repellent is the strongest and super-effective protection against mosquitoes, no-see-ums, gnats, and fleas.

A single application can give you continuous coverage of up to 10 hours. An EPA-certified repellent that is safe to use around pets and kids, its high ratings truly talk for themselves.

3.     Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent

More than just a fast-action insect repellent, the Sawyer Permethrin spray is safe to use on clothing, sleeping bags, pillows, and your outdoor gear. It can acutely poison and swiftly do away ticks, mites, and no-see-ums.

Permethrin is also effective against the Zika virus mosquitoes and Yellow Fever Mosquito. A topical odorless solution providing astrong barrier of protection with just a single application that will last you for up to a month.

4.     Dynatrap Ultralight Insect and Mosquito Trap

Different than traditional insect repellents, the Dynatrap Ultralight Insect and Mosquito Trap can create a protective zone of up to 300 sq. ft. It can finish off sand flies, no-see-ums, midges, and mosquitoes that come within its expanse.

Similar to electric bug zappers, it uses a heated UV lamp to trap no-see-ums and has an intelligent  feature that emulates the human breath. Once in, the no-see-ums will die of dehydration. The device is tightly enclosed so there are no worries of the insects escaping once trapped.

As long as you have rechargeable electric power, you can take the Dynatrap with you anywhere.

Some even might suggest using the best multi purpose cat repellents spray to repel N-See-Ums but whether it works or not does not have any support evidence.

How to Repel No-See-Ums

  1. Is there a way to block No-See-Ums? No-See-Um Screens. Using a regular screen that are suited for mosquitoes just won’t cut it here. You’ll need a screen specifically designed for No-See-Ums. The holes in the mesh are much smaller and completely stop them from entering wherever you are.
  2. How can I keep No-See-Ums away from my home? Move unsealed water. The female midges love to lay on surfaces that contain moisture because it is a big piece of their natural habitat. Removing or concealing water containers is an important part of keeping them away. If you have standing water in your yard manage or remove it.
  3. Does Clothing Help? – Wearing clothes with long sleeves will prevent any bites from the No-See-Ums. Wearing socks helps with this as well.
  4. How do I treat a bite? –You will know if you are bitten by a No-See-Um because they’ll leave behind itchy red bumps but a great way to treat the bites is to use the appropriate treatment, like creams for example.
  5. Can I get a disease from a bite? – If the area where the bite has taken place is effectively treated, you do not have to worry about diseases but if it is not treated properlythere is a chance that a No-See-Um can pass along a disease even though it’s very unlikely.


Frequently Asked Questions


What attracts no see ums to humans?

The small and pesky no see ums can come from anywhere and everywhere. However, they come to you for a reason – because they are attracted to your odor. They are attracted to carbon dioxide expulsion and also get drawn towards lactic acid. If you have a high affinity for attracting no see ums, it is best to use a good repellent.

What kind of smell repels no see ums and mosquitoes?

Well, you might be surprised to know that no see ums and mosquitoes are quite repelled by odors, which we often find quite pleasant. They tend to stay away from the smell of cinnamon oil, lemon, castor oil, eucalyptus oil, citronella oil, and a few other sweet-smelling odors. So, when you pick out your repellent, you can try these oils.

What should I do when a no see um bites?

First and foremost, do not scratch the area since it will make it worse. Apply some disinfectant with warm water on the area. Rubbing alcohol can work too. Sometimes applying soothing gels like aloe vera works. The point is to bring down the itch in the area, and it will heal on its own. Use a strong repellent to keep them at bay.

The Best Bug Repellents to Kill Sand Gnats

The Best Bug Repellents to Kill Sand Gnats

People often confuse gnats with mosquitoes as the insect bears two wings. There are different types like fungus gnats and buffalo gnats that have stinging bites. Sand gnats, also known as sand flies, granny nippers, or sand fleas, are tiny black critters, only found in dry areas that can leave you writhing in great pain. Since these are different, so one cannot use repellents for the ultimate mosquito to kill sand gnats.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Bug Repellents to Kill Sand Gnats pick!

Buggins Natural Insect Repellent

It is a super-popular Buggins Natural Insect Repellent which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

Their ability to suck blood and leave agonizing rashes can also lead to skin diseases like leishmaniasis and pappacti. Owing to their name, sand flies are mostly found in coastal areas like beaches, lagoons, and mangrove swamps. Their breeding seasons fall in April and November.

They find their homes in dry areas so they’re the most active in warm climates that aren’t too windy. However, the worst bit is that you may also spot them in your yard and in the attic spaces of your house.

If you have a yard with sandy spaces and dusty shrubs, you may find these nasty critters hovering over. So you’re not really safe if you think you have all your doors and windows sealed.

However, a bunch of annoying sand flies need a potent repellent. They will usually target areas close to the ground so if your feet and legs are exposed, they might come bite you in the night. You will have to look out for them if you’re planning to stay out on a beach resort or in a damp place.

A speedy way to keep sand gnats away is to use fast-action bug repellents. They can be easily killed off using mosquito repellents as well.

Here are the top 5 sand gnat repellents to pin these bad guys down for good.

1.     Buggins Natural Insect Repellent

An eco-friendly repellent that uses natural ingredients like peppermint, clove, and lemongrass to effectively ward off critters from your place, the Buggins Natural Insect Repellent is non-DEET, smells like vanilla and is absolutely safe for children.

2.     Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent

A non-DEET repellent lotion that uses picaridin against ticks, gnats, and chiggers, the spray is ideal for those who live in areas frequented bymonsoon climates.

It doesn’t have a strong odor and may leave behind a little residue lasting you for up to 12 hours.

3.     Repel 100 Insect Repellent

Specially made for the tropical regions, this traditional bug repellent uses DEET to kill mosquitoes and gnats. A strong and effective formula for a rough hiking adventure, Repel 100 will fortify you against sand gnats and other critters.

4.     Thermacell Olive Mosquito and Gnat Repellent

Thermacell works with a device repellent. It uses a butane cartridge to generate heat that activates the device to create a pest-free zone. The repellent is cordless, portable, and easy to operate.

5.     Amrita Aromatherapy: Bugs Be Gone for Pets

If you love playing out with your pet, Amrita Aromatherapy repellent is a must-have to apply for both of you. Natural and DEET-free, the recipe is made with six luxurious essential oils with a pungent smell to get rid of the gnats.


Frequently Asked Questions about Sand Gnats

Can sand gnats really harm me?

The general reactions that people have to sand gnat bites are irritation and itching, and red bumps on the skin, which disappear after applying disinfectants or soothing gels like aloe vera. In very rare cases, they might lead to some severe allergic reaction on the skin. So, always make sure that you are using a gentle of skin repellent to keep them at bay.

What can I do to prevent sand gnats from biting me?

Sand gnats are attracted to the odor on your skin, the heat, and when you expel carbon dioxide. These factors are out of your hands to control, so covering up as much portion of your skin as possible is a good option. Wear full sleeve tops and long bottoms. You can also use repellents for effective protection.

What can I use to kill sand gnats?

The most hassle-free way to do this is with the help of apple cider vinegar. Take some apple cider vinegar and add it to a bowl with dish wash soap and some sugar. This will attract the sand gnats to it, and they will get trapped in the contraption and die. Apart from using skin-friendly repellents, this is also something that you can try.


What is the best way to keep away sand gnats?

In conjunction with your chosen insect repellent, you’ll want to use Lavender Oil Spray or Candles. Keeping orange peel extracts in your window, terrace or balcony can be quite effective as well. Some other things you can do as well is to create a trap for them by mixing apple cider vinegar with dish soap.

Do sand gnats bite?

They do actually. The biggest problem is that they are so small they are completely unseen. Even worse than the biting is that they can be vectors of different diseases. This is more or so common in the tropical regions.

What attracts gnats to a person?

Certain gnats are attracted to different things but the majority of them are attracted to sweet smells and scents like fruit. Some of them are even attracted to body heat and moisture. They are drawn to perspirationand even the mucous around our nose and eyes because it is a main source of moisture.

These repellents are affordable and will sufficiently take care of your gnat problem.

The 3 Best Mosquito Repellents to Zika-Proof Your Home

The 3 Best Mosquito Repellents to Zika-Proof Your Home

With its onset in 2015, Zika Virus has remained a menacing scourge on the international radar. Emerging in Brazil and then slowly spreading across the world, Zika virus is contracted through a daylight mosquito.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Mosquito Repellents to Zika-Proof Your Home Pick!

Ben’s 30% DEET Wilderness Formula Tick and Insect Repellent Spray

It is a super-popular Ben’s 30% DEET Wilderness Formula Tick and Insect Repellent Spray which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

Apparently, it can wreak total havoc for the baby if the mother catches it whilst she is pregnant. It can destroy the baby’s brain tissue resulting in brain deformation called Microcephaly. In the past few weeks, this virus has become a universal problem with Europe and the USA issuing serious alerts at airport check-ins.

Some athletes competing in the Rio Olympics 2016 contracted Zika, along with Beenie Man being the first celebrity to cancel his shows upon falling sick. South Korea’s athletes actually got custom-made uniforms that are infused with a Zika repellent for protection.

Now that it has reacheda global virus status, it has a definite possibility of reaching your homes. There could be nasty Zika borne mosquitoes lurking in the corners of your backyard or worse, in your living room and you probably don’t have a clue!

However, because they’re active only during the day it’s easy to spot them. In order to fortify your home against any potential Zika mosquitoes, your first call of action is to shield all living spaces with a strong repellent.

Here, we’ve rounded up some of the most potent and fast-action best bug repellents to keep your house Zika-proof and safe.

1.     Ben’s 30% DEET Wilderness Formula Tick and Insect Repellent Spray

All insect bites are annoying while the ones from Zika can give you an intense fever and cough. Ben’s 30% repellent effectively destroys any traces of insects and mosquitoes. It specifically targets Aedes mosquitoes that carry a host of diseases like Zika and Congo and creates a strong barrier against them.

Paul Sax, the clinical director of infectious diseases at the Brigham and Women’s hospital regarded DEET as a gold-standard product during Zika season.

2.     Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent Spray

Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent Spray is a synthetic derivative made from natural ingredients including oil of lemon eucalyptus. However, the natural essential oils can’t be a replacement for this repellent as it’s not potent enough.

A plant-based portion – that effectively fights against both day and night biting mosquitoes while also protecting you from deer ticks – is available as lotions, in pump sprays, and towelettes to use as you wish.

3.     Off! Deep Woods Insect Repellent VIII Spray

A good deal at an extremely affordable price, this repellent is oil and grease-free so no-one will know you’re wearing one outdoors. Made with a powder-dry formula, this repellent dries upon contact hence you won’t have to deal with oily residue.

It wards of virus-borne mosquitoes that maybe carrying Dengue, Zika, and West Nile. The spray is easy to use while the repellent glides on smoothly and immediately dries out.

It’s time to gear up against the deadly Zika and safeguard your houses with these super-effective repellents.


Frequently Asked Questions about Zika


Are insect repellents safe to use?

The insect repellents that are made with N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, or more commonly known as DEET, are comparatively safe to use. Very rare cases of reaction to DEET in humans have been recorded. So, check the repellent content, and then you can take your pick accordingly. They are mostly safe to use. However, keep your insect sprays away from the reach of your children.

How to choose the best insect repellent for home?

If you are having trouble with mosquitoes infesting your home, then try using repellents that are targeted towards mosquitoes. They generally work with other bugs too, but it is always best to use targeted products for maximum effect. Also, go with one which lasts longer. Do some online reviews, and then select your best option. Make sure that it is safe and discontinue using it in case of allergic reactions.

How can I stay safe from the Zika virus?

Mosquitoes carry the zika virus around, infecting people. Hence you have to be careful with mosquitoes. Always use a fresh-smelling and effective mosquito repellent. When stepping outdoors, go for repellents which will last long. You can also use skin-safe repellents or carry sprays. You can try out fabric roll-ons too. All in all, be wary of mosquitoes, use repellents, and you will be good to go.

How long should I wait to have a baby after having the Zika virus?

If you are traveling and you do happen to get exposed to the Zika virus, after you have been treated, you should wait at least 2 months after the date of your last possible exposure to the virus.

Where Is the Zika virus most commonly found?

You will typically see the most Zika outbreaks in Africa, the Americas, the Pacific and Asia. That’s why it is always a good idea to do your research before traveling to another country and make sure that you either have the proper first aid or have a list of hospitals that can treat the virus

How soon does Zika symptoms actually appear?

Symptoms of the virus can start to show starting anywhere from two to seven days after you have been bitten. Some of the symptoms are mild fever and a rash in the area you were bitten.

Does the Zika virus go away?

Surprisingly the majority of people who get the Zika virus will actually never know they had it. Symptoms can stay for as long as 12 days after you have been bitten.

The 3 Best Insect Repellents for Costa Rica

The 3 Best Insect Repellents for Costa Rica

Costa Rica is home to some amazing wildlife, including various species of cats, lemurs and sloths. However, it also has some of the most dangerous and infectious insect populations in the world.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Insect Repellent for Costa Rick pick!

Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent

The rainforests of Costa Rica are dreaded for the presence of mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus, the Dengue virus, and Chikungunya. If you’re planning a visit or simply going on a safari in any of these rainforests, it’s probably a good idea to pack aninsect repellent with you.

As is custom, you probably will need more than one can if you’re planning to stay for long and you may also want to take along some protective clothing and mosquito nets while you’re at it. However, the best mosquito repellents are your number one defense against these disease carriers.

Deep Woods OFF! Insect Repellent

The go-to option for wildlife enthusiasts in Costa Rica is Deep Woods OFF! The insect repellant has high doses of DEET and provides 10 hours of protection against all sorts of bugs including ticks, fleas, black flies, gnats and mosquitoes.

Available in large bottles and mini pump sprays, the odor-less repellant is primed for application to the hair, skin, and clothing. It also contains 98.25% DEET, which means that you can get rid of those pesky mosquitoes with one spray.

Sawyer’s Picaridin 20% Insect Repellent

This is one of the most famous repellent brands in Costa Rica. It is extremely effective at repelling a wide variety of insects including mosquitoes and ticks. It’s non-greasy, has a pleasant, citrus odor and doesn’t damage any plastics or artificial coatings it comes into contact with. What’s more, it’s safe to use on the entire family. from children to adults.

The repellent protects against the Zika virus, the West Nile virus, the Dengue virus and Chikungunya. It offers a twelve-hour protection and is an extremely potent chemical, while being safe for all your gear and skin.

Sawyer Picaridin insect repellant is derived from the chemical piperine in pepper plants and is a synthetic replica of a solution that has been working on mosquitoes, flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies for a number of years.

It’s available in various sizes, including a six-ounce spray bottle, a four-ounce bottle, a single quart and a gallon size dispensing jug.

Sawyer’s Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing and Tents

From the same company that brought you Picaridin, this insect repellent is especially made for your gear and tents when you go camping. There is a lot of wildlife to see in Costa Rica that you can’t experience in one stroll in the forest. For a stay over in the forest, you’ll need Permethrin to protect yourself against insects.

Permethrin is great to put on once. It’s a synthetic form of pyrethrum, an insecticide from the chrysanthemum flower. It sticks to your clothing and gear material for around six weeks and doesn’t come off for six washings. That means you can just spray your gear once before you go for camping and then forget about it for the rest of the trip.

Benefits of a Natural Insect Repellent

  • Better smell–When commercial insect repellents are made there is a mix of chemicals, because of those chemicals, it is more likely to cause an unpleasant odor.
  • Better for the skin – Natural insect repellents contain no DEET, a chemical that is used as an active ingredient that can cause severe irritation to people that have sensitive skin. DEET may even impact the body’s central nervous system.
  • No harsh chemicals –When you are using natural insect repellents, there is no EPA pesticides to worry about, because of this it makes it completely safe.
  • More effective – Just because a company uses DEET or another chemical, does not mean that the repellent is more effective than a natural alternative. In fact, soy based repellents are actually proven to work longer than concentrated DEET products.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my insect repellent last?

Different manufacturers will have different timelines for the repellents. Ideally, each repellent will stay active and potent for about a period of 3 years. It is best to check the date of expiry before using a very old bottle. Also, if you leave in an insect-prone area, you will probably have greater use for the repellent, and hence there are high chances that they might run out very fast.

What is something that I must never do with repellents?

While you can apply a repellent anywhere, on clothes, tents, etc., you should never apply it on your face. You can apply it on your hands once a day, but too much of it also not good. Try not to apply it on your child’s face and limit their exposure to them. Also, if you are using a spray, cover any food items that might be out there to keep them protected from the aerosol particles of the spray.

Can DEET cause cancer?

Most repellents contain DEET, and there has been much speculation as to whether or not it is carcinogenic. Well, the good news is that there have been no signs of DEET being classified as carcinogenic, and hence, one can always use it but always in limited quantities. Too much exposure to any substance is never good.

Better for the body – A lot of the natural oils that are used to make all natural insect repellents are beneficial to the body. For example, peppermint oil naturally improves energy and concentration and helps the muscles to relax.

Insect Repellents to keep Mosquitoes off Your Deck

Insect Repellents to keep Mosquitoes off Your Deck

Is the fear of mosquito bites keeping you from enjoying your evening out on the deck? If that sounds like you, it’s time to bring in the best mosquito repellents to buzz these annoying flyers off your deck for good.

Scroll down to read some amazing tips on how you can control this mosquito nuisance from ruining your evenings.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Repellents to keep Mosquitoes off Your Deck pick!

3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-Ounce

It is a super-popular 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-Ounce which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

Insect Repellent Cream and Sprays

Use of insect repellent products is one of the best ways of keeping mosquitoes at bay. A wide variety of insect repellents for Costa Rica and other places are available in the market. It is advisable to choose only the ones that are approved by the EPA.

Furthermore, take a quick peek at the ingredients to make sure your repellent has at least 25% concentration of DEET. A study of the comparative efficiency of insect repellent found that DEET-based products provide complete and long-lasting protection against mosquito bites. A formula containing 23.8% DEET can provide protection for up to 5 hours!

Simply, spray the formula or rub the cream over the exposed skin. Instead of spraying the repellent directly on your face, you can spray the solution on your hands and then rub them over your face. This makes sure you don’t get any unwanted chemicals in your eyes.

Here’s a list of some of the best mosquito repellents in the market that can safely be used to provide maximum protection against mosquito bites.

  • OFF! Deep Woods
  • Repel Family Dry Insect Repellent
  • Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin
  • Cutter 51070 All Family 6-Ounce Insect Repellent Pump Spray
  • Greener ways Organic, Insect Repellent

Mosquito Repellent Plants

Nature has provided us with an effective way of fighting off mosquitoes off out of our houses and off our decks! There are a number of plants that can easily be grown in pots and kept around the deck to repel mosquitoes and other insects. Here’s the list of some of the most effective mosquito repellent plants.

  • Citronella
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Grass
  • Lavender
  • Garlic
  • Basil
  • Catnip

Keep in mind that mosquitoes love standing water, so make sure your flower pots are always drained.

Mosquito Repellent Incense and Coils

Mosquito repellent incense and coils are yet another way of moving those pesky mosquitoes off your deck. Incense sticks are usually infused with a high concentration of DEET and insect repellent natural oils, although it is easy to find some that claims to be 100% natural and DEET-free. In either case, the refreshing smell of incense smoke works to keep the mosquitoes away. Here’s a list of some common mosquito repellent coils and incense.

  • Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks
  • Hacker Warrior Mosquito Coil
  • NatureMax Mosquito Sticks
  • Calm life Mosquito Repellent Sticks
  • W4W Mosquito Repellent Coils

Remember, mosquito bites are not only annoying and painful but they can also be dangerous. Mosquitoes play a major part in spreading a number of insect-borne diseases like Malaria, Zika Virus and Yellow fever. Therefore, it is important to do all that you can to protect yourself and your family from these pesky fellows.

5 Tips You Can Use To Keep Mosquitoes Off Your Deck

  1. Empty still water – Removing standing water is highly effective in getting rid of mosquitoes. When water is stagnant it allows the mosquitoes to lay their eggs and their larvae will live and grow there as well. Drain all the areas around your house that may have standing water including children’s toys and buckets.
  2. Clean your gutters –This goes back to standing water. Your gutters are designed to lead water away from your house but more times than not there will be standing water left in them. Removing this helps get rid of mosquitoes.
  3. Burn repellent incense – The reason that burning incents is so effective for getting rid of mosquitoes is because they don’t like the smoke.
  4. Cut the grass and bushes – Having long grass and tall bushes provide extra water, which is where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
  5. Bring out your fan –Having a fan disrupts the natural smell that humans give off that mosquitoes are attracted to.


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to keep mosquitoes off my deck other than using a repellent?

If you are suffering from a problem with mosquito-infested decks, then it is best that you start off with the use of a repellent. However, a repellent alone cannot function and be effective. You will also have to follow certain measures like preventing water from accumulating on your deck, clear weeds and grasses, and can spray pesticide spray from time to time.

Can certain scents help keep mosquitoes off my patio?

Apart from repellents, there are also a couple of scents that will help you to keep mosquitoes off your patio. Lavender and lemon are two very effective smells. Apart from that, smells like eucalyptus, peppermint, basil, and others are also very potent when it comes to keeping mosquitoes away. You can keep a scented candle along with repellents to keep your patio mosquito-free.

Why do mosquitoes always bite me?

Well, it is your genetic component that determines how prone you are to mosquito bites. For example, if your DNA makeup makes you more prone to mosquitoes, then you will be bitten more. This is why some people get bitten by mosquitoes more than others. Use repellents on your clothes and skin, apart from your face, if you are prone to mosquito bites.

Stay Healthy! Stay Safe!

5 Eco-friendly Bug Repellents for Pregnant Women

5 Eco-friendly Bug Repellents for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women have 3-5% chance of having a baby with a birth defect. While, most cases are genetic and can’t be avoided, some specific defects are a result of deadly viruses that are transmitted through mosquito bites and ticks.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Eco – friendly Bug Repellents for Pregnant Women pick!

Babyganics Natural Insect Repellent

It is a super-popular Babyganics Natural Insect Repellent which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

Mosquito bites can leave your skin feeling red and itchy while deer ticks carry Lyme disease. Zika virus is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. Once contracted, it can lead to brain deformations when the baby is born. In fact, scientists have discovered that pregnant women are more prone to mosquito bites as compared to non-pregnant women.

Mosquitoes usually seek warm places and an expectant mother develops a higher temperature over time. Hence, it’s quite easy to put two and two together. This makes insect protection for pregnant women an absolute must.

Pregnant women become extremely sensitive to the sense of smell and taste. She can’t spray just about any insect repellent in the room. Most of them are quite pungent and poisonous.

It’s important to consider how toxic the repellent is and whether it’s safe enough for a pregnant woman to use. While protection against insects is necessary, the ideal choice for a repellent is one that is formulated with eco-friendly ingredients. If it’s safe for the environment, then it’s definitely safe for the baby.

Here are the most effective yet safe insect repellents that pregnant women can use.

1.     Babyganics Natural Insect Repellent

This repellent is DEET-free and made with 100% natural oils. If they’re sound for a baby, they’re definitely safe for expectant mothers. With a naturally scented blend of lemongrass, peppermint, citronella, rosemary and geranium essential oils, the Babyganics insect repellent is here to fight nasty mosquitoes and creepy critters.

2.     Burt’s Bees All Natural Bug Spray

A plant-based insect repellent infused with the potent Citronella oils, this natural portion will keep you safe and sound.With a fresh herbal fragrance and essential oils, this bug repellent is here to do away with those stinging, biting insects once and for all.

3.     Badger Anti-Bug Balm Stick

It doesn’t get more convenient than this. Badger’s has come up with a balm stick that you can use head to toe to keep the nasty ones away. Available in both spray and tin, the anti-bug stick is also effective for when you want to bug-proof your backyard.

4.     Skedattle Natural Insect Repellent

This bug repellent is absolutely chemical-free and DEET-free. DEET is a powerful repellent but can often irritate the skin. Hence, for pregnant women this natural spray is just as good, in fact, it has proven to outperform chemical-based repellents. It’s not only safe for you, but your kids and pets as well.

5.     Cutter Mosquito Spray

A bug control concentrate that promises to shoo away mosquitoes, fleas, and ants from your home while lasting you for more than 12 weeks, the Cutter Mosquito Spray is an all-natural safe choice for pregnant women.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy and Insect Repellent

  • What is the best way for me to actually use the insect repellent?

The best way for you to apply insect repellent is to follow what is recommended by the company who manufactures the repellent. When you do that it greatly reduces the risk of you seeing side effects which can be, irritation of the eyes caused by Picaridin, DEET, which can cause irritation the skin.

  • Can insect repellent be absorbed in my blood stream?

It is actually possible for a very small amount of the repellent to enter the blood stream, depending on how much you use, the actual product and the strength of that product. Less than 10% DEET actually enters the skin after it is applied. It is always best practice to wash your hands after using the repellent to avoid any getting in your mouth.

  • Can I use repellent while breastfeeding?

If you happen to be bitten by an insect while breastfeeding, it can cause serious health effects for you and your infant. When you are applying the repellent, make sure to apply the same way you would if you were pregnant. Keep it away from your eyes and mouth and always wash your hand after applying.

It’s time to insect-proof your houses with and sleep your cares away by spraying these super-effective insect repellents.

Best Mosquito Repellents for Expectant Mothers

Best Mosquito Repellents for Expectant Mothers

Everyone hates the annoying mosquito bites, but now that you are expecting a baby, do you think you are getting more mosquito bites than usual? Well, you may not be wrong! It is a known fact that expectant mothers attract twice as many mosquitoes as a non-pregnant woman.

This is because these pesky little bugs are fond of carbon dioxide and pregnant women produce 21% more of it than usual. Moreover, mosquitoes seek heat. They are attracted to warmer bodies and expectant women have higher body temperatures. For these reasons, your pregnancy can put you at the top of the hit-list of these annoying insects.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Mosquito Repellent for Expectant Mothers pick!

Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin

It is a super-popular Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

It’s time you start thinking about how you can protect yourself and your baby from mosquito bites that are not only annoying, itchy and painful but also dangerous. A number of insect-borne diseases like Zika Virus, Malaria and Dengue and Yellow fever can stem from mosquito bites.

So, what’s your best bet against these buzzing biters? Well, the answer is simple – a mosquito repellent, of course!

Before you head out to shop for an insect or bug repellent, it’s important to know what you are looking for exactly. Scroll down to read all you need to know about mosquito repellents that are 100% safe to be used by expectant mothers.

Choose Wisely

It is advisable to take your time and make a wise decision when it comes to choosing an insect repellent, especially when you are pregnant. Make sure your repellent is registered by the EPA. Any mosquito repellent that has Deet and Picaridin is considered safe for expectant mothers. But make sure the concentration of DEET is not higher than 30%.

On the other hand, it is advisable to steer clear of repellents having IR3535 or lemon eucalyptus. The use of these ingredients is generally discouraged during pregnancy because they can adversely affect your body and the health of your baby.

Leading Brands of Mosquito Repellents for Expectant Mothers

Let’s have a look at some of the best mosquito repellents in the market that can safely be used during pregnancy.

  • Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin
  • OFF! Deep Woods
  • Cutter 51070 All Family 6-Ounce Insect Repellent Pump Spray
  • Greener ways Organic, Insect Repellent
  • Badger Anti-Bug™
  • Zoe Organics – Insect Repellent

Mostly having organic ingredients, these mosquito repellents are safe to be used by expectant mothers. If you think, you are not sure about the right kind of mosquito repellent, check in with your doctor. A doctor can help you find a safer alternative.

7 Helpful Tips on How to Keep Mosquitoes Away

  1. Mowing your yard and pruning edges –One of the places you will mostly find mosquitoes are in shaded areas within your yard. Keeping your hedges and bushes trimmed will reduce the space that a mosquito has to congregate in your yard. If possible, get your neighbors to do the same thing, to move the mosquitoes further away.
  2. Run your fans at ground level –Because mosquitoes are attracted to body odor and the carbon dioxide we release when we exhale, it makes it much easier for mosquitoes to know when humans are in close proximity with one another. A great way to dissipate these signs is to place fans ground level, that way the scent patterns are completely broken up, making it more difficult to not only fly but bite.
  3. Local mosquito control – If you happen to have a rather large infestation, it may be a good idea to call your local mosquito control district rather than try to deal with them by yourself.
  4. Eliminate standing water –It is very easy for mosquitoes to lay eggs, breed and multiply in just a very small amount of water. If you have any unused items in your yard, like old tires, kids toys, buckets and or swampy areas, you’ll want to completely empty the water out of these items and as for the swamp area, you’ll want to fill that with soil.


Frequently Asked Questions


What should I consider when buying a repellent for pregnancy?

While it is best to use repellents when you are pregnant, for better protection, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Make sure the repellent is made from DEET or Picaridin. It needs to be EPA registered. However, do not use lemon or eucalyptus-containing repellents since it might have adverse side effects for the mother and the baby.

Can DEET cause birth defects?

There have been little accounts of birth defects being caused due to DEET. However, one needs to remember not to overuse it. If you are not sure about how much you can use and what not, then it is best to speak to your doctor once and then monitor your usage on a daily basis according to what you are advised.

Is there any natural synthetic that I can take to prevent mosquito bites?

Vitamin B has often proved to be a natural vitamin supplement that helps in reducing mosquito bites. You can take vitamin B supplements and use repellents, but when pregnant, always check with your doctor whether or not you can take vitamin B. Sometimes, in delicate circumstances, you might have restrictions. Hence it is best to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

So, what repellent are you going to use to buzz off those mosquitoes for good?