Beginners Guide to Paddle Boarding

Beginners Guide to Paddle Boarding

Are you searching for an exhilarating summer activity? Well, we might just have something for ya…wait for it…it’s paddle boarding! Yeyaaaaaah. With the appropriate gear and equipment, paddle boarding can quickly become your jam – and the best part is you can do it with friends, kids, parents, whatever. Let’s get after it…

This article will introduce you to the good ole’ fundamentals of paddle boarding (aka SUP or “Stand Up Paddling”) and help you get ready for your first outing on the water. It also covers safety tips and how to select an ideal location for your inaugural paddle boarding experience.

What Gear and Equipment Are Needed?

Paddle boarding is an enjoyable, easy way to enjoy nature. But it also requires certain safety precautions and equipment in order to guarantee a secure experience.

Paddle board safety begins with a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). These can be life jackets or vests and are required by law in most places where kayaking is allowed. Your PFD should provide comfort and freedom of movement so you can paddle effectively.

Helmets are another essential piece of safety gear for kayaking. These helmets are specifically designed to protect your head from capsizing in rough waters, so make sure yours is waterproof too. Whitewater paddling requires an additional layer of protection, so opt for a helmet that offers both breathability and protection when moving through rapids.

Towlines are another essential tool for paddlers to have when out on the water. They can be thrown to other boats in case of emergencies and could potentially save lives.

Dry bags are an invaluable item to have on hand in case of a capsize, as they keep your belongings secure and safe. Not only that, but these easy-to-transport bags come in various styles as well.

First aid kits are essential to have on board when you’re out on the water. There are various first aid kits available, so be sure to select one that meets your individual needs.

Additionally, you’ll need a leash to keep you secure on your board. This is particularly important for beginners as it will keep you close to the board in case of falls or accidents.

If you’re paddling in the fall or spring, adding a layer of neoprene to your gear is a wise idea for keeping warm. A lightweight top like NRS Hydroskin provides warmth without being heavy or restricting.

A bilge pump is an essential item of kayaking equipment, as it helps quickly drain excess water from your vessel. Additionally, it may be helpful when cleaning the boat after a day of paddle boarding, since you may need to clear out any debris that has built up at the back.

Cost Range for Paddle Boards

Paddle boards range in price depending on the brand and quality. Inflatable paddle boards, for instance, can cost as little as $180 or as much as $2,000. Hard epoxy SUPs on the other hand start at $700 and top out around $1000 or more.

Beginners should look for a board in the mid-price range so they can learn to ride and enjoy time on the water without worrying about finances. On the other hand, if you want the most out of your paddle board and use it season after season, investing in higher-end paddle boards will yield better results.

No matter the cost, make sure your board is safe and long-lasting. Low-grade boards tend to break down over time, leaving you with nothing but frustration.

To guarantee you get the ideal paddle board for your needs, research various models and brands available. This will enable you to identify which features are essential for your lifestyle, as well as which performance qualities matter most.

Furthermore, ensure your paddle board comes complete with all necessary accessories. This should include a paddle, leash and pump.

Some boards come with more accessories than others, so be sure to inspect the package to see what is included. Doing this can save you money in the long run since you won’t have to buy extra gear after using your board for a while.

When searching for a paddle board, size is another important feature to consider. This depends on both your activity and weight; ensure the board has enough volume to support both of you equally.

A quality board should be comfortable to stand on and provide a pleasant ride. It must have all necessary tractionpads and fins for effortless steering. Furthermore, it should be simple to store away when not in use.

Paddle Boarding Safety Tips

Paddle boards can be fun, but they also pose risks if you don’t take safety precautions. To help ensure everyone stays safe while enjoying this pastime, we’ve compiled some essential paddle boarding tips that newbies should know before diving in.

First, ensure you select an ideal location for your first paddle session. Search for a calm, shallow body of water without boats or buoys in it. Additionally, opt for places with minimal wind or current – mornings and evenings typically feature calmer waters.

If you’re not a confident swimmer, it’s wise to bring along a personal flotation device (PFD). This could prove invaluable in case of an emergency.

The most basic safety tip for paddle boarding is to always have a buddy with you. This will guarantee that if something goes awry, you aren’t the only person on the water and it also makes for more enjoyable time on the water.

Once you have a buddy, it is wise for them to be prepared with their own safety gear. Ideally, this includes a personal flotation device (PFD), as well as other essential items like a helmet, gloves and sunscreen.

Be prepared to fall off your board from time to time – this will give you valuable experience in learning how to land safely without damaging either the paddleboard or yourself. It’s wise to practice hanging onto the board while falling, and aim for hitting the water instead of hitting the board when slipping.

When standing on the board, look straight ahead and use your core muscles instead of your arms for balance. Doing this will give you maximum control over your balance and help keep you stable on the board.

Another essential safety tip for beginners is to ensure the fins on your board are at the back, not at the front. Failing to place them correctly at the front can make tracking more challenging and cause your paddle board to tip to one side, potentially leading to injury.

Selecting a Good Place to Paddle that Board!

No matter your level of experience or knowledge about paddling, getting the most out of your SUP experience requires selecting an ideal spot. Make sure the water is calm and free from obstructions such as boats or buoys before beginning your SUP journey.

Choose a sandy beach or other location where you can easily wade into the water to launch your board. Moreover, select a day with little or no wind so that it’s sunny and calm.

If you’re new to paddling, it may be beneficial to go with a friend who can assist in navigating the water. Your instructor can also give tips on proper techniques like sweeping your paddle from nose of board to tail in an arcing motion in order to turn your board.

Once you become more proficient with sweeping your paddle, try it more frequently and switch sides when your arms begin to tire. Additionally, practice different strokes to extend your range of motion and build strength.

You could also try paddle surfing, which involves changing your stance from parallel to a more surf-like position when you spot a wave. This is an effective way to improve standing up since it requires less effort than traditional strokes require.

Stand-up paddle boarding is a global pastime that offers numerous locations around the world for those seeking an exciting challenge and stunning views. No matter your level of ability or experience level, these spots will guarantee you an unforgettable experience!

Hawaii offers plenty of ideal spots for paddle boarding beginners to practice their skills. From Kapalua Bay and Turtle Town, you can launch your board in some stunning tropical landscapes.

Kohola whales come close to shore during winter to feed, making for an exciting sighting for both paddlers and snorkelers alike. Plus, the island’s beaches and reefs are home to sea turtles which make for exciting photo ops!

The Bahamas offer an abundance of opportunities to kayak or paddle board, with nearly 120 miles of shoreline and hundreds of islands scattered among calm tropical waters. Popular spots like Abacos and Nassau provide ideal boarding grounds, with local outfitters providing everything from SUP rentals to guided tours that explore coral reefs, mangrove forests, as well as along the beaches.


Why Is Pickleball So Popular?

Why Is Pickleball So Popular?

Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in America, becoming popular with people of all ages – from young people to senior citizens.

Where did it come from? Great question! Well, the origins can be traced back to the 1960s – when tennis, badminton, and ping-pong all came together to form an addictive game which was called tennis ping pong at the time, and for many years after.  So what started way back in 1965, outside Seattle, by most accounts, slowly grew in popularity up until approximately 2015.  Then…BOOM…the Pickleball revolution began, and is now enjoyed by thousands around the world. With its straightforward rules, low barriers to entry, and levels of overall fun, it has become a global phenomenon with millions of dedicated players around the world.

It’s Great Exercise

Many have become enthralled with this exciting and engaging sport, and the appeal seems to really run across all ages, genders, etc…This being said, if you had to pick one demographic that it is perhaps the most wildly popular with, it would be older players, 40 years +, with many being former tennis players or other athletes who find the game to be less stressful on their tendons and joints.

The game is also an ideal opportunity to engage in cardiovascular exercise which can lower your blood pressure, regulate sugar levels and boost cholesterol. Furthermore, it may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke as well.

Furthermore, pickleball can improve your mental health by releasing endorphins and bioamines that aid in combatting depression and increasing self-worth.

Pickleball also provides an amazing opportunity for socialization with others, which is frankly something that almost everyone in the US, and most other developed nations, could use much more of! Especially in these years since the Covid 19 pandemic got underway. In many ways, most of us need to relearn how to socialize, and to be comfortable with it. Pickleball is a wonderful way to jumpstart this process, and give you a stronger sense of belonging and community in life. Studies have even demonstrated that strong social connections actively reduce feelings of loneliness and depression, and can even extend your lifespan.

It’s Fun

Pickleball, on its face, is just really an enjoyable, social sport suitable for players of all ages and skill levels. It’s the ideal way to spend quality time with friends or family members and couples looking to bond.

Playing Pickleball is a great way to stay active and get in some exercise with a much lower risk level for injury than many other sports. Indeed, its low impact nature means older adults won’t need to worry about stressing their joints as much, making it an excellent exercise option.

The sport has seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the last several years, with over 4.8 million people playing it worldwide. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, it’s now America’s fastest-growing sport.

Playing is both simple and sociable, providing you with plenty of chances to meet new people. In your area, there is already likely a local community group or Pickleball sports club that will teach you the game! So, yep, community and social fitness, on top of physical fitness – pickle two balls with one paddle, as they say.

It’s Social

Pickleball is a social sport, and players often form friendships with others in their community. This makes it popular among families as well.

Pickleball, unlike tennis, does not require players to go in having a certain level of physical fitness to participate. Sure, great athletes will go in stronger, but no one cares! If you play Pickleball, love it, and stick with it, you will certainly reap the physical fitness benefits, and become a stronger athlete. But by no means is a high level of athleticism required to start. Plus, due to its smaller court size and lack of waiting periods between hits, pickleball offers players a chance to really get a piece of the ball many times per game.

Tournament players appreciate the game’s low impact and social aspects, which they say make it a great opportunity to meet new people, form connections and stay active.

For older players, the game can be an excellent way to stay fit. It also improves balance and coordination – which may prevent back pain or joint issues later in life.

If you’re just starting out in pickleball, a beginner-friendly and budget-friendly paddle is essential. We recommend a paddle with a 4.8-inch handle length,  making it comfortable to grip while its anti-slip design helps prevent sweaty palms from ruining your game.

It’s Affordable

Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in America and it’s spreading around the globe. If you have never heard of it before, it combines paddle sports like table tennis and ping pong to appeal to players of all ages and abilities.

With low barriers to entry, like very reasonably priced paddles and balls, Pickleball is a great option for those looking to add exercise into their lives without breaking the bank. In fact, paddles cost less than a pair of sneakers and you don’t need to invest in bulk in additional equipment in order to get going.

Pickleball not only offers an economical way to stay active, but it’s also a great social activity. Join one of the many Pickleball clubs popping up across America and you’ll have no trouble making new friends in an enjoyable, healthy, and fun-filled environment!

Top 5 Backyard Games for Summer

Top 5 Backyard Games for Summer

When you’re looking for a fun outdoor activity, nothing beats playing games with your peeps – whether it’s you and your adult friends, a backyard bday party with a gaggle of kiddos, or a day at the park in the works; outdoor games are sure to keep everyone occupied and having fun.

From a DIY twister to an exciting water warfare challenge, we’ve collected the top 5 backyard games for Summer that are sure to please friends and family alike!

  1. Frisbee

Frisbee is an enjoyable outdoor game suitable for all ages and can be enjoyed alone or with friends and family. Whether it’s Frisbee golf, Ultimate Frisbee or something else entirely, this active summer pastime offers plenty of chances to stay fit and have some fun!

Ultimate Frisbee is an exciting non-contact sport where players compete to reach the other team’s goal without getting caught. It’s easy to pick up and play, but requires quick passing skills as well as coordination.

Kan Jam is a team-based Frisbee game ideal for family fun and competition at the beach or in your backyard. Teams of two players take turns throwing the Frisbee toward their opponent’s can, earning points for direct hits, assisted hits or slam dunks into the top of the can.

  1. I Spy

I Spy is an excellent game for young children, as it teaches them about letters and objects. This activity can be played indoors or outdoors, making it ideal as either a classroom activity or to keep kids occupied at a party.

I spy is an age-appropriate guessing game that requires deductive reasoning skills to win. It can be played by two to six players and recommended for children between 8-12.

The first spy selects an object that all players can see, then provides clues to the other players until someone guesses it correctly. After that, that child becomes the next “spy” and selects another object to “spy” upon.

  1. Tug of War

Tug of War is an age-old classic game perfect for groups of kids. Not only that, but it’s also a great way to get everyone outside and moving!

Strength, technique and being physically fit are all essential for success in this sport. Two teams (usually consisting of eight members each) stand opposite one another and pull on a rope to try to push their opponent over the line.

The winning team will pull their flag over the centre line first. This technical sport requires team members to use rhythmic motion in order to pull rope effectively.

  1. Ladder Toss

Ladder Toss is an age-old yard game that can be enjoyed individually or as a team. The objective is to throw bolas, two golf balls tied together with rope, onto ladder rungs with different point values.

At the end of each round, players tally their scores. The top rung is worth 3 points, the middle rung 2 points and the bottom rung 1 point.

Throwing bolas is the primary method for scoring, but you can also increase your odds by hanging all three on one rung. Although this strategy is optional, it’s certainly possible to implement.

  1. Giant Jenga

Are you searching for a fun activity to do with the family this summer? Giant Jenga is sure to please! Not only does it bring everyone together, but it also strengthens bonds within the group.

Giant outdoor Jenga is similar to the classic game, but with larger blocks that can be stacked up to four feet high. Perfect for spacious backyards and ideal for playing with multiple players, this version can be played outdoors.

When playing this game, it’s essential to use quality wooden blocks. Without one, your tower could tip over during gameplay resulting in injuries and stress for players. Therefore, investing in quality products ensures your tower lasts for years. No fake or off-brand Jenga, people. If you’re going to do it, do it right!

The Most Fun Summer Activities for Adults and Children Alike!

The Most Fun Summer Activities for Adults and Children Alike!

Regardless of whether you’re searching for something fun to do with the kiddos or want to plan some summer adventures just for yourself, and you and your adult besties, we have just the perfect list of ideas! Boom. Problem Solved!

Before we get into the REAL list – the fun stuff, we feel obligated just to mention that hiking is still a great way to enjoy nature during summer. Not only does it offer breathtaking views, but it can also help you ramp up your cardio and steps for a nice overall health revitalization. Just don’t forget your dang bug spray!!! And here we go!

  1. Water Balloon Fight

A Backyard Water Balloon Battle is an enjoyable summer activity Epic Water Balloon Fightsfor both children and adults alike. It’s ideal for an outdoor party or even just spending a hot day at home.

Fill up several water balloons and divide the children into teams. Whichever team can hit another player with a water balloon the most times wins!

  1. Fishing

Fishing tournaments provide a fun summer activity for both children and adults alike, while also serving to educate people on the significance of protecting fishery and aquatic resources.

Fishing tournaments can last from a few hours to days or even weeks, depending on the event. Popular options include bass fishing and kids fishing tournaments.

  1. Outdoor Movie Night

Summer nights are the perfect time for hosting an outdoor movie night with all your family and friends. It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time together and create some lasting memories.

Outdoor movie nights provide a safe and entertaining way to connect with friends and neighbors. But if you’re hosting an outdoor movie night, it’s essential that you plan ahead so everything runs smoothly.

  1. Campfire S’mores

Nothing says summer like marshmallows toasted to perfection and mashed between two graham crackers with a generous drizzle of chocolate. It’s a beloved among kids and adults of all ages.

Even those without access to a real campfire can still enjoy this delectable treat. Kids can even make their own s’mores right in their own kitchen!

  1. Backyard Olympics

The Backyard Olympics is an excellent way for everyone to get involved in some enjoyable and competitive outdoor games. Additionally, it provides children with valuable lessons about the Olympic Games while creating opportunities for family bonding time.

It’s essential that all activities are enjoyable and challenging, not too difficult. Also, schedule some breaks into the schedule for everyone to have some downtime to stay hydrated and not less things get crazy competitive.  Remember fun is the name of the game here!

  1. Backyard Yahtzee

Backyard Yahtzee is trending pretty hard recently for summer fun…because it’s FUN! This beloved game, albeit only in table top board game sized version, has been around for decades – but now there is the backyard edition which makes for a lot of good times for family picnics and cookouts, gatherings of adult friends (perhaps enjoyed while knocking back a few mojitos).  The good news here, and the overall point is, it’s appealing to people of all ages! With five large dice and an empty bucket, you can spend hours having fun playing this timeless classic!

When playing in your backyard, make sure the dice are lying flat on a tarp or rug. Long grass can make rolling the dice difficult and water can quickly destroy a scorecard if not taken care of properly.

  1. Sharp Metal Lawn/Darts

Lawn Darts in the 1980sJUST KIDDING!!! Good Lord what were people thinking back in the 1980s when these were a pretty much guaranteed part of any backyard BBQ gathering? Playing yard games outside is an excellent way to get everyone off their phones and have some fun.

But if you are lobbing what are essential skull cracking heavy darts all over the yard, and letting whomever (including kids) just toss them about willy nilly, well you are asking for some EMTs to be the unplanned guests at your BBQ jam. Thankfully, people woke the heck up to the absurdity of Lawn Darts, and they haven’t been around for decades!

  1. Backyard Water Balloon Battle

The Backyard Water Balloon Fight is an enjoyable summer activity for kids and adults alike. It’s simple to get involved, with teams or individuals competing.

The objective is to pop a balloon without dropping or getting wet. To make the game even more difficult, play it in relays.

  1. Backyard Bug Hunt

Bugs and insects are fascinating creatures that children of all ages enjoy learning about. Their movement, food habits, and strategies for protection from danger provide fascinating opportunities to investigate in an outdoor play setting.

A backyard bug hunt is one of the most entertaining summer activities and adventures for both kids and adults! It promotes problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity.

  1. Slip ‘N’ Slide

There is a reason why slip ‘n’ slides have been around so long – they are always fun for the kiddos.  They can be fun for adults to but it’s generally not recommended. Adults just don’t tend to want to get in a bathing suit and take a running belly flop onto a slip and slide in the presence of other adult friends.  Go figure, right? : ) But for the kiddos – hours of fun!

Well we hope this was helpful – we will be posting the top 25 outdoor summer activities for kids and adults next month…So stay tuned!!!