Best Mosquito Repellents for Expectant Mothers

Best Mosquito Repellents for Expectant Mothers

Everyone hates the annoying mosquito bites, but now that you are expecting a baby, do you think you are getting more mosquito bites than usual? Well, you may not be wrong! It is a known fact that expectant mothers attract twice as many mosquitoes as a non-pregnant woman.

This is because these pesky little bugs are fond of carbon dioxide and pregnant women produce 21% more of it than usual. Moreover, mosquitoes seek heat. They are attracted to warmer bodies and expectant women have higher body temperatures. For these reasons, your pregnancy can put you at the top of the hit-list of these annoying insects.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Mosquito Repellent for Expectant Mothers pick!

Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin

It is a super-popular Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

It’s time you start thinking about how you can protect yourself and your baby from mosquito bites that are not only annoying, itchy and painful but also dangerous. A number of insect-borne diseases like Zika Virus, Malaria and Dengue and Yellow fever can stem from mosquito bites.

So, what’s your best bet against these buzzing biters? Well, the answer is simple – a mosquito repellent, of course!

Before you head out to shop for an insect or bug repellent, it’s important to know what you are looking for exactly. Scroll down to read all you need to know about mosquito repellents that are 100% safe to be used by expectant mothers.

Choose Wisely

It is advisable to take your time and make a wise decision when it comes to choosing an insect repellent, especially when you are pregnant. Make sure your repellent is registered by the EPA. Any mosquito repellent that has Deet and Picaridin is considered safe for expectant mothers. But make sure the concentration of DEET is not higher than 30%.

On the other hand, it is advisable to steer clear of repellents having IR3535 or lemon eucalyptus. The use of these ingredients is generally discouraged during pregnancy because they can adversely affect your body and the health of your baby.

Leading Brands of Mosquito Repellents for Expectant Mothers

Let’s have a look at some of the best mosquito repellents in the market that can safely be used during pregnancy.

  • Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin
  • OFF! Deep Woods
  • Cutter 51070 All Family 6-Ounce Insect Repellent Pump Spray
  • Greener ways Organic, Insect Repellent
  • Badger Anti-Bug™
  • Zoe Organics – Insect Repellent

Mostly having organic ingredients, these mosquito repellents are safe to be used by expectant mothers. If you think, you are not sure about the right kind of mosquito repellent, check in with your doctor. A doctor can help you find a safer alternative.

7 Helpful Tips on How to Keep Mosquitoes Away

  1. Mowing your yard and pruning edges –One of the places you will mostly find mosquitoes are in shaded areas within your yard. Keeping your hedges and bushes trimmed will reduce the space that a mosquito has to congregate in your yard. If possible, get your neighbors to do the same thing, to move the mosquitoes further away.
  2. Run your fans at ground level –Because mosquitoes are attracted to body odor and the carbon dioxide we release when we exhale, it makes it much easier for mosquitoes to know when humans are in close proximity with one another. A great way to dissipate these signs is to place fans ground level, that way the scent patterns are completely broken up, making it more difficult to not only fly but bite.
  3. Local mosquito control – If you happen to have a rather large infestation, it may be a good idea to call your local mosquito control district rather than try to deal with them by yourself.
  4. Eliminate standing water –It is very easy for mosquitoes to lay eggs, breed and multiply in just a very small amount of water. If you have any unused items in your yard, like old tires, kids toys, buckets and or swampy areas, you’ll want to completely empty the water out of these items and as for the swamp area, you’ll want to fill that with soil.


Frequently Asked Questions


What should I consider when buying a repellent for pregnancy?

While it is best to use repellents when you are pregnant, for better protection, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Make sure the repellent is made from DEET or Picaridin. It needs to be EPA registered. However, do not use lemon or eucalyptus-containing repellents since it might have adverse side effects for the mother and the baby.

Can DEET cause birth defects?

There have been little accounts of birth defects being caused due to DEET. However, one needs to remember not to overuse it. If you are not sure about how much you can use and what not, then it is best to speak to your doctor once and then monitor your usage on a daily basis according to what you are advised.

Is there any natural synthetic that I can take to prevent mosquito bites?

Vitamin B has often proved to be a natural vitamin supplement that helps in reducing mosquito bites. You can take vitamin B supplements and use repellents, but when pregnant, always check with your doctor whether or not you can take vitamin B. Sometimes, in delicate circumstances, you might have restrictions. Hence it is best to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

So, what repellent are you going to use to buzz off those mosquitoes for good?

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