Are you Looking for the Best Self Propelled Lawn Mower for Hills? Then You’re in the Right Place!

Are you Looking for the Best Self Propelled Lawn Mower for Hills? Then You’re in the Right Place!

If you have a large lawn, then self propelled lawn mowers can be extremely handy, especially when you find it difficult to deal with slopes while cutting grass. Self propelled mowers strive to minimize the fatigue that comes up with other types of lawn mowers.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Self Propelled Lawn Mower pick!

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There is a myth that exists regarding self propelled mowers due to its name that it can “run off”. However, that it is not possible and the machine remains in your control throughout the entire operation.

Why a Self Propelled Lawn Mower for Hills?

Due to its design, a self propelled mower is energy efficient as well as less time-consuming than other types of mowers. They do not contain complex controls and thus can be easily started in your lawn because of a feature in the mower known as automatic choke recovery system. Areas in your lawn with substantial grass do not require added work as the mower automatically deals areas with huge patches of grass.

What to Think Before Buying One?


Self propelled mowers require significant maintenance due to its design, hence you should look out for the warranty. Generally mowers come up with 2-3 years warranty. However, there are some with 5-10 years warranty too. However, there are some with 5-10 years warranty too such as Honda’s HRX2175VKA that offers 5 years warranty and is considered as one of the best economic lawn mowers under self propelled category.

Lawn Size

Perhaps, the most important factor before buying any lawn mower is to look for the dimensions of your yard. Fortunately, self propelled lawn mowers have the capability to cut grass in lawns with any size. However, if you happen to a large lawn then do consider a self propelled mower because most of the mowers are not effective in larger lawns.


Any type of lawn mower can easily cut grass in a flat lawn. However, with slopes or hills, steepness and a varied terrain, you will struggle to cut the grass with other mowers and may even get stuck. Self propelled mowers are especially helpful in such terrain with varying slopes and can do the jobeasily and quickly.


Self propelled mowers for hills come with two types so you need to keep in mind which suits your needs more.

Firstly, there is an electric type of self propelled mower. As the name suggests, this means you need electrical equipment like cords. You can either connect to an outlet or connect it with a battery. Electric self propelled mowers are noiseless, polished and are easy to start. If you are not okay with cords, then you can also go for a cordless model. They take 60 minutes to charge and can work for at least 45 minutes though it depends more on the type of operation.

Secondly, there is a gas powered self propelled mower. These mowers offer a cheap alternative to the electric ones and are considered as special due to being the cheapest options for large lawns. Though you will have to focus and choose smartly as many of these cheap mowers are of inferior quality. Moreover, unlike electric mowers they require to be pulled to start.

Think for a while and decide if a self propelled lawn mower will suit your needs. We believe they are one of the best mowers due to their convenience, easiness and versatility.

5 Tips To Help You Maintain a Self-Propelled Lawn Mower

  1. Clean the deck by flipping the lawn mower but make sure you have the air filter facing up.
  2. Replace or clean your air filter by looking on the opposite side of the engine and finding the housing for the filter.
  3. Change your oil by finding your oil cap and taking it off. You will want to check your oil levels 1-2 times per mowing seasons.

How To Effectively Mow a Hill (The Easy Way!)

When you are mowing a hill, there are a few things you should be aware of, that will make your job a whole lot easier.

  • When mowing a hill you want to make sure that the grass is not wet. Mowing wet grass can cause a number of problems such as increased difficulty in cutting and debris getting clogged up in your mower. Mowing wet grass also increases your chances of slipping. When you mow you should make sure the grass is completely dry and that the forecast is clear. Even if you plan on mowing your lawn or backyard the day after a rain shower, you should still check for wet grass and dew.
  • Adjusting your mower to the maximum height is very beneficial when mowing hills because it will stop your mower from scalping the yard.
  • For a faster, safer and more effective cut, you’ll want to mow side-to-side vs. up and down. When you mow from side to side it stops your mower form potentially flipping over. This works especially well for self propelled mowers.
  • Make sure to move any debris or obstructions out of the way before you even begin to mow. This can really help with saving time, as you don’t have to completely stop mowing every time there is something in the way, you can completely mow your lawn straight through the first time.


Frequently Asked Questions


Should I use self-propelled lawn mowers for hills?

Yes, they make the best option for hilly areas. They have mechanical blades that move effectively and make a clean cut, which is good for getting the job done faster. They are also easier to move up and down the hill with more grip and control than riding ones, which stand a high chance of toppling over.

My lawn has steep slopes – which lawn mower will be ideal?

It goes without saying that you will need self-propelled lawn mowers. Look for large mowers which are about 60 inches or even larger. This will ensure that you cover a large area at once because going up and down over the slopes will be quite tedious, especially when they are steep. So, it would be best to look for large mowers which are walk behind.

Should I opt for gas lawn mowers for hills?

Of the many factors to consider when purchasing a lawn mower, make sure that you take the maintenance cost into account. Gas lawn mowers will cost you more in the long run since gas is expensive and their engines need more care. Electric ones, on the other hand, are cheaper and more environment conscious. Hence, it is best to go for electric push-behind lawn mowers.


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