The Best Rabbit Repellents for Your Flowers

The Best Rabbit Repellents for Your Flowers

A colorful backyard with beautiful flowers can seem very attractive, not just to you but to the little insects and animals as well. It is truly magical when you get to create a small eco-system with the help of the plants and flowers you are growing.

However, some animals might end up becoming a little too comfortable in your back yard.

Rabbits are one of the biggest pests for many home gardeners as they tend to nibble on the flowers, plants and vegetables being grown. This can stunt their growth or even destroy the plant completely. Rabbits also don’t care if you spent hundreds of dollars or countless hours growing rare orchids or sunflowers. It’s still a tasty snack for them.

If only you could keep them away from your flowers…well you can!All you need is a good rabbit repellent. Not all rabbit repellents are effective but we’ve compiled a list of some of the best repellents you can use, particularly for your flowers.

In a hurry? Here’s our top Rabbit Repellent for your Flowers pick!

the Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent Concentrate 2

It is a super-popular Rabbit Repellent which is easy to use and has amazing results. Find out why on Amazon right now!

Help from Your Pet

Rabbits are small prey animals and terrified of predators. Whether it is a fox, a dog or a cat, they will not frequent an area where they can smell predators. You can either let your dog roam the back yard occasionally or let your cats out. Cats and dogs love chasing rabbits and most don’t tend to harm them. The rabbits will get a good fright and won’t visit your backyard again.

Taste Repellents

Just like you, rabbits prefer tasty meals and your flowers might taste as delicious as a crème brulee. This could be responsible for making them return again and again to nibble on your plants until they are all gone. You can try using taste repellents which will make your plant taste bitter to them. A good DIY taste repellent can be made with the help of some cayenne pepper or a hot pepper spray. Be careful about using it on the plant since cayenne pepper in large amounts can harm it.

Odor Repellents

All animals have a natural aversion to certain smells and you can capitalize on this aspect here. Odor repellents can vary and many have found bone meal to be very effective. Sprinkling bone meal on the ground can keep the rabbits at bay. Another remedy is to use powdered fox urine in your backyard. Rabbits will smell a predator and will not approach the area.

Our Suggestion – The Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent Concentrate 2

It can be confusing what option to pick out of all these but we think odor repellents are the best bet. If you find it too odd to use bone meal or powdered fox urine, get your hands on the Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent Concentrate 2.

Designed specifically to keep rabbits and even deer out of your backyard, this solution can be used at any time, all year round. Application is simple and easy but you need to allow it to dry for 5 to 6 hours. In the start, you will have to use it once a week and cut back to once a month after the first three weeks are done.

4 Tips you can Use in Conjunction with Repellents to Help Keep Rabbits from your Flowers

  1. Watch your plant selection –There are certain plants that rabbits have a favoring towards like broccoli lettuce, and beans. You may want to consider plants that rabbits have a natural distaste for like onions, basil and geranium.
  2. Place barriers –Rabbits love to dig, but having a barrier that is two feet high and six inches deep is a great way to keep them from getting through. You do want to keep an eye on your barriers for holes as well. Consider chicken wire fencing or plant cages made of livestock wire.
  3. Keep your yard tidy –Open tidy places are less attractive for rabbits as they favor places that are messier, where they can be hidden easily, like landscape beds, debris piles and weeded areas.
  4. Scare them away – Having a motion sensor is usually enough to scare off a rabbit but having your cat or dog in the yard makes for a great deterrent as well


Frequently Asked Questions


How should I apply the rabbit repellents?

Generally, the repellents need to be added to the dry vegetation area thoroughly. If you feel that the vegetation is wet, allow it time to dry and then only apply the repellent; else, it will get diluted and not work correctly. Use it as many times as required.

During which day should I use the repellents?

A good repellent works perfectly well when it is applied at an optimum temperature. Early morning is the best time to spray the repellents since the duration falls under the category where there is no direct sunlight and no chance of burning. Under such circumstances, the repellent will easily get absorbed in the vegetation and work properly.

Can I water my plants after using the rabbit repellents?

We suggest waiting at least one hour before you start watering the plants. One hour will give the repellants enough duration to get absorbed, after which watering them would be fruitful.

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